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Our Treatments

What to expect on your first visit

Neurological Dysfunction: Our doctors may use a full Neurological-Musculoskeletal Assessment, Computerized Neurocognitive Baseline Test (ImPACT Test), C3Logix Concussion Management System (Balance, Neuro-Cognitive and SCAT), Neurosensory Motor Integrator, Interacoustic Binocular Video oculography, MoCA Cognitive Testing, RightEye computerized tracking assessment and/or Autonomic Testing (HRV) to investigate all potential Nervous System dysfunctions in order to obtain superior outcomes through evidence-based neuro-rehabilitation applications.

After interpreting the test results we then provide a functional approach to activate the decompensated and compromised pathways that often involve the Vestibulo-Ocular system, Cervico-Vestibular system, Cerebellum, cortical regions, and brain stem areas through specific visual-sensory-motor integration using cranial nerve stimulation, PhotoBiomodulation, balance/equilibrium or neuro-cognitive training. 

Neuro-Endocrine Dysfunctions: Our physicians (MDs and NDs) may, at times, utilize complete conventional blood tests, neurotransmitter tests, stool tests, or hormone tests to address the metabolic deficiencies of the brain and nervous system with specific Intravenous vitamins, minerals, oral supplementation, or pharmaceutical therapies. Our multi-specialty and well-researched Neuro-rehabilitation approach makes the CBP Concussion/TBI Management and other neurological dysfunctions (non-pathological) very exciting and highly successful in the Pacific Northwest!

Neuro-Recovery Intensive Program

What Does The Neuro-Recovery Intensive Entail?

A typical Neuro-Recovery Intensive Program (NRIP) at CBP Centres typically lasts five days, although some patients undergo the two-week program in some circumstances. This program is recommended mainly for patients who have been suffering from Post-Concussive Syndromes, Concussion, or other types of TBI. During the NRIP, you will attend one to three appointments daily, each around 60 minutes, except for your first and last diagnostic session, which takes approximately 2-3 hours. All remaining sessions may include diagnostic testing, therapies, and/or consultations with our team of doctors and therapists. We may ask you to bring a copy of your most recent blood work so our MDs/NDs can help you customize the best possible neurometabolic regimen post-treatment.

For more information, please contact our clinic at Phone: 604-281-0616.

Assessment Day 1

Your first day is an intensive day of assessment and discovery. You will undergo approximately 120-180 minutes of diagnostic testing and clinical examinations so that our team may fully understand your neuromusculoskeletal and neurological challenges. A plan of care is created for you. Intensive Treatments begin in the same day. Based on the initial assessments, we may need to meet with our MD/ND to coordinate your Neuro-Metabolic Approach during the week and beyond. 

Treatment Day 2

Once your treatment plan has been established, it's time to work with your nervous systems’ ability to create neuroplasticity. On Day 1 and 2 you will complete approximately a total of 3-5 hours of intensive neurological rehabilitation and exercises to achieve our goals for your challenges.

The Re-Check Day 3

Our Third Day of Neuro-Intensive Program is a critical day of the week. This is the day we will re-evaluate your progress based on the initial diagnostics results. In order to continue your neuro-care we must be able to see good measurable changes. If we do not see an improvement in what you feel and what we can measure, we will discuss alternative treatments for you. Once we have established that our care plan is working, we may modify the plan to make sure you achieve optimal outcomes and create more neuroplasticity.

Treatment Day 4

Day 4 could be a challenging day for some patients due to fatigue. Many patients may feel more tired from the 3-hours per day therapies. Your treating doctor will be able to observe this and adjust your treatments approach/techniques based on your abilities to create Neuroplasticity. 3 more hours on day 4 will address many of the neurological challenges.

Neuro-Graduation Day 5

Day 5 is the day we check how much improvement you have made during the week. During this day, we will perform most of the diagnostic tests of Day 1 as well as the physical examination to document your improvements and identify where you might need more work. This is how we can create your at-home treatment plan as well as collaborate with your other care providers upon your return home. 

What Does Our Non-Intensive Program Entail?

Our standard outpatient protocol is to fully assess you and initiate a 2-weeks program (10 Days) of 5 times weekly of 1-hour appointments. After 2 weeks we will re-assess to document the possible neuroaxis changes, and where we need to modify for further improvement.

Get in touch for A consultation with one of our doctors.

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