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Chiropractic Nuero-rehabilitation

Our Neuro-rehabilitation is defined as the field of Clinical Neuroscience Rehabilitation that engages the internal and external environment of the individual in a structured and targeted approach to affect positive changes in the neuraxis and consequent physiology and behavior.


Our comprehensive Neuro-musculoskeletal assessment may take up to two hours (or more), and if needed, imaging studies, nerve conduction tests, and other different diagnostic tests would be recommended to the family doctors, in order to objectively evaluate the function of your nervous system and physical performance. This allows our doctors to identify the non-pathological compromised or dysfunctional central and/or peripheral neuropathways and evaluate their response to environmental stimuli and develop a customized rehabilitative approach for your mechanical, neuro-mechanical, Concussion, Post-Concussion Syndrome, and other dysfunctions.

These neuro-rehabilitation applications by our Physiotherapists and experienced chiropractors are evidence-based and non-invasive. There are many conditions that people suffer from, which are co-manageable by Neuro-rehabilitative applications performed by our physiotherapy/DC/ND team:

  • Balance and Gait Disorders

  • Concussion/Post-Concussion Syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Vertigo, Dizziness, Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness

  • Pain Syndromes

  • Post-Stroke Neuro-Rehabilitation

  • Dysautonomia (POTS, Orthostatic Intolerance)

People with all of these concerns and more have been helped by our team. This specialty certainly cannot offer a cure for all who present with these problems, but many do improve functionally- some profoundly.

What Does a Visit to  Neuro-Rehabilitation Physiotherapy & Chiropractor Involve?

A Full History is taken, which includes current concerns, past medical history, lifestyle, job, school, and family. The next step involves a thorough neurological examination. The aim is to test as many areas of the nervous system possible.

The goal is to find if:
1. An area is working or not
2. It is stable, unstable or sluggish
3. It can be improved by using more healthy areas
4. It can be used to stimulate areas needing improvement

Tests and evaluations that are done:
  • C3-Logix (SCAT/BESS/Cognitive) or Computerized Baseline Testing (ImPACT)

  • Vestibulo-Ocular testing (Video-Oculography)

  • Clinical Testing of Sensory Interaction and Balance

  • RightEye visual Tracking Testing (Eye-tracking)

  • NeuroCatch Brain Vitals

  • Buffalo Treadmill Test

  • Senaptec Sensorimotor Assessment

This is followed by a therapeutic trial. This means a possible treatment is used, and then you are retested immediately to see if it will work.

What Types of Treatments are Used?

Nerve cells need fuel and stimulation to thrive. Treatment is aimed at providing fuel and stimulation through activities that have been shown, either in scientific research or past case studies, to stimulate nerve cells. This may include Low-Level Laser of a specific wavelength, specific proprioceptive stimulation to joints, targeted balance activities, specific head-eye exercises,  visually-guided physical exercises, nutritional modifications (Neuro-metabolic approach), breathing exercises, Sensory-motor Integrator System, and neuromodulations. Care is very safe, closely monitored, and often fun!


If you are in pain when you come into our office, the first objective is to help you feel better. Depending on the severity of your problem, it is typical to need care 1-3 times per week for 2-4 weeks. The pain relief phase uses palliative care in order to remove mechanical restrictions and reduce the inflammation, paving the way for repair.


During the corrective care phase, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, thereby helping prevent injury. It is typical to need care 2-4 times per month for few weeks depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.


The stabilization phase requires exercises and neuro-musculoskeletal re-education to retrain the previously injured tissues. The frequency of visits in this phase is approximately once every few weeks. which are coupled with balance exercises, ball exercises, neuro-rehabilitative exercises as well as Neuro-Muscular Retraining.

Get in touch for A consultation with one of our doctors.

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