Dr. Michelle Ah-Seng
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Ah-Seng graduated from the Boucher Campus of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (formerly known as the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine). She formerly completed her Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of British Columbia where she customized her studies towards neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and neuroendocrinology -- how the brain works, thinks, and communicates via hormones. It was through her undergraduate studies and in facing her own complex health issues that she became fascinated with integrative and naturopathic medicine. Dr. Ah-Seng resonated with the philosophies of naturopathic medicine as a practice of honoring, treating, and empowering a patient as a whole rather than just a symptom. She also worked at Pure Integrative Pharmacy for 6.5 years, where she saw the beauty of how education, supplementation, and medication can work together to treat and optimize one’s health.
Dr. Ah-Seng strives to understand each patient via a thorough health history, appropriate physical exams, and relevant lab work. Through these investigations and in listening to the patient, she aims to understand not only the chief complaints but also the underlying cause of them, oftentimes in ways that may not initially seem related. She then spends time researching and developing treatment plans that are personalized to both the patient’s symptoms and cause -- like in gardening, any evidence of an obnoxious weed will keep invading until the root system is found and addressed. These treatment plans may include any combination of nutritional supplementation, botanicals, nutritional and lifestyle counselling, massage therapy, acupuncture, intravenous nutrient therapy, and/or prescriptive drugs. Over time, Dr. Ah-Seng will monitor and reassess your symptoms, treatment plans, and health goals to help troubleshoot, support, and celebrate with you on your health journey.
Dr. Ah-Seng holds a keen interest in treating digestive, metabolic, hormonal, and mitochondrial dysfunctions that can appear as chronic complaints ranging from depression and anxiety to fatigue and brain fog, to headaches and skin complaints, and beyond. She is an avid learner and finds joy in empowering others through education. On her time off, Dr. Ah-Seng enjoys laughing with her friends over a London Fog, exploring the food scene of Vancouver, and keeping invested in the world of theatre and film.